Volunteer Opportunities

NASW Arizona relies heavily on the volunteer hours of our members. We have a tremendous group of volunteers who currently work with NASW.

To advocate for our profession and for our members, we continuously seek volunteers.

Complete the Volunteer Information Form online by clicking here.

Here are some ways that you can get involved:


The Arizona PACE committee represents social workers in state and local elections and builds grassroots networks through member political education and mobilization. PACE endorses state and local candidates and collaborates with the national PACE unit during federal elections.

Board Leadership

The board of directors has 20 members with representation from each of the 4 geographic branches. Branch Representatives and officers are elected and serve 2 year terms; Student Representatives serve 1 year terms; President serves 1 year as President-Elect and 2 years as President.

Branch level planning efforts

Find your Branch! Branches hold networking and regular meetings to plan the local Social Work Month Celebration, lunch and learns, and other events.


Click here for a complete list of committees.

Chapter Committee for Nominations and Leadership Identification

This is similar to a nominating committee. This group works to identify leadership within the NASW membership and prepares a ballot for the election.

If you are interested in being involved in any of the above areas, send an e-mail to chapter@naswaz.com.